With your help TechACCESS of RI can provide the local community with programs and support for people with disabilities of all ages, their families, and their schools. Each gift we receive makes a difference in the lives of the people with disabilities that we serve.
What does your donation buy? A $10 donation can buy special battery interrupters that allow us to adapt toys for children with special needs. A $20 donation can purchase “low tech” tools that can help a student who has difficulty writing. A $50 donation can fund a piece of technology that allows individuals with vision impairments to access printed information. These are just a few examples of the powerful impact of your donation.
Can I donate to a program of my choosing (restricted funds)? Yes, you can. You can identify a specific program, area of need (i.e. communication), or service you would like to support.
What are unrestricted funds? If you choose to make your donations unrestricted, this means your donation is used to help the program or service with the most urgent need.
Is my gift tax deductible? Yes, TechACCESS of RI is a recognized not-for-profit 501 (c)3 corporation through Advocates. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
Donate by Mail:
- Download/Print the TechACCESS Donation Form
- Mail to:
161 Comstock Parkway
Cranston, RI 02921