TechACCESS offers a variety of services for adults, including Evaluations (Augmentative Communication, Assistive Technology, Workplace Accommodations, Computer Access, and evaluations for individuals with Low Vision); Consultations; Training; Therapy (AAC and AT); and Tech Support. Services can occur in the individual’s home or workplace or here at our center.
Please note that all insurance-funded services must occur at TechACCESS, since we are recognized as an outpatient clinic.
An Assistive Technology Evaluation is a critical component of determining the best Assistive Technology tool, and the evaluation should be conducted in a collaborative manner, facilitated by an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP). Consideration should be given to the Student/Individual, the Environment, the Task(s), and the Tools, otherwise known as SETT (Zabala, 2010). An AT Evaluation will help employers best support independence for their employees, or for individuals to access employment and can also identify appropriate tools for post-secondary education. While there are a wide range of tools and supports available, an ATP provides a critical role in guiding teams in the selection, acquisition, and use of Assistive Technology for students and individuals.
Funding sources for adult services are varied. Options for funding include:
Office of Rehabilitation Services
Who is eligible for vocational rehabilitation services?
To be eligible for ORS services, you must
- have a physical, intellectual, or emotional impairment which is a substantial barrier to employment, and
- require vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment, and
- be able to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in terms of an employment outcome
For additional information and an application, visit : or your state’s Vocational Rehabilitation agency.
Insurance Reimbursement
We are able to provide AAC and AT services through several private insurance carriers. Services provided through insurance must be provided at our Center. For information about insurance-based services, please visit our Private Insurance page.
Private Pay
TechACCESS offers services for individuals who wish to or need to pay privately. To receive services, please contact TechACCESS for a Payment Authorization Form, which will provide a quote for services. A deposit will be due at the time of scheduling. The balance due for services must be paid prior to the final report/recommendations being delivered.
Self-Directed Services
This model is an alternative to traditionally delivered and managed services, such as an agency delivery model. Self-direction of services allows participants to have the responsibility for managing all aspects of service delivery in a person-centered planning process. Self-directed Medicaid services means that participants, or their representatives if applicable, have decision-making authority over certain services and take direct responsibility to manage their services with the assistance of a system of available supports.
Self-direction promotes personal choice and control over the delivery of waiver and state plan services, including who provides the services and how services are provided. This may include assistive technology services. All services should be included in an individual’s ISP. We ask that you consider the need for additional funding if an interpreter will be required during the evaluation process. If this is the case, we estimate that up to $500 in additional funding could be needed.
Medicare Reimbursement
For services we provide through Medicare, individuals must have prior approval. Often, they will be required to obtain a prescription from their doctor indicating the need for for service (along with a diagnosis code). Individuals who will be seeking Medicare reimbursement will be required to sign a Payment Authorization Form, which acknowledges that they will be responsible for payment of services “up front” and seek reimbursement directly through their insurance company. TechACCESS will provide invoices with all of the necessary information and support the individual in any way we can to facilitate their reimbursement.
Please contact Jen Martinous at for additional information about our services or referral process.
Click HERE to download/print a flyer about our services for adults.
Referral Form for Adult Services*
*This form must be accompanied by an authorization from the party paying for the service.