TechACCESS provides demonstrations of assistive technology to the public. All are invited. These workshops are free. Some require pre-registration.
- Technology Demonstrations
- ATAP Technology and Communication Strategies for Persons with Hearing Loss
- After School Tech Time
To Register
Call 401-463-0202 (Voice/TDD) or Toll-Free: 800-916-8324
E-mail techaccess AT techaccess-ri DOT org
Technology Demonstrations
These demonstrations are intended for adults and offer attendees an opportunity to preview technology in our adapted computer lab. Equipment available for demonstration includes: tablets, reading accommodations, communication and alternate access. These sessions are designed for demonstration and trial use only and are not individual evaluation sessions. TechACCESS staff will not make formal recommendations.
All demonstrations take place at TechACCESS. Please call to request an appointment
Funding for these sessions is provided by the Assistive Technology Access Partnership (ATAP) under grant #H224A060039 from the Department of Education. However, content does not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal government.
ATAP Technology and Communication Strategies for Persons with Hearing Loss
This demonstration is presented at TechACCESS of RI by Denise Corson, ATEL Program Coordinator, and James Litvack, a life long user of hearing loss technology
These sessions demonstrate technology that can improve access at home, work and in social settings. The following equipment will be demonstrated:
Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan (ATEL) Program equipment, which includes amplified phones and the CapTel. The CapTel is fairly new technology that allows you to view word-for-word captions of your telephone conversations.
- Signaling devices such as alarm clocks, telephone ringers, doorbells and baby monitors.
- Personal amplification for conversations, meetings, social events and television.
Attendees can loan out equipment, on a first come first service basis, to see if the equipment is appropriate for their needs.
When: 6:00 to 7:00 PM, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Registration: These workshops are free and no registration is required. However, please call ahead in case of inclement weather.
After School Tech Time
Selected afternoons are set aside for After School Tech Time – an informal, fun time for teachers, students and parents to explore educational and assistive technologies with support from our knowledgeable staff. These sessions are designed for demonstration and trial use only and are not individual evaluation sessions. TechACCESS staff will not make formal recommendations. Appointments are required.
Registration: 50-minute sessions are available, by appointment, at 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM. Call early to reserve your date and time.
Funding for these sessions is provided by the RI Department of Education, Office of Student, Community, & Academic Supports.